Friday, November 6, 2009

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

That is probably the wisest thing I have heard in a while. Looks like this family might be swinging on that little knot for a while, hope I can tie it tight enough to hold this household. I have been giving our situation a lot of thought the last couple days. If all goes to plan, we should be able to stay here on the farm in exchange of taking care of the last couple horses etc. If that is the case I am starting to think that both my husband and I need to go to work. I think we need to bust our asses for a couple years, and take total advantage of the free house, to save every penny. If we work hard and put away almost everything, in a couple years we could buy a chunk of land and then be able to go back to living the way we like to live. Simply and happy. But if we don't do this then we will be living day to day for the rest of our lives, and we have 2 boys to think about. I want both to go to college and be successful someday. I know that my husbands biggest thing is that he doesn't want daycare raising our baby, but his future is important. We need to be able to get a setup in place for the family and our dream is to be homesteaders, well you need land to do that, so that's why I think this is a good idea. I will broach the subject in the next couple days, hopefully he will agree, its time to look in the future now, for our family's future.

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