Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it. ~David Star Jordan

Things are looking a little brighter. On Monday I got a job, its not glamorous, but its something. I went back to doing what I know, and discovered that I truly miss all the hard work. Horses are my therapy, they keep me sane and they keep me calm. The last couple days have been wonderful. My husband was NOT very happy that I went back to work, and I understand that, but things need to get done and I was offered a job which I took immediately. The pay isn't great but its something for the few hours a day that I work, but best of all, I get paid to exercise. I can't think of a better way to help get this dam baby fat off, I think I walk about 4-5 miles a day and boy am I sore. Its hard to believe that I lost so much tone and fitness in a year, I am ashamed of my appearance right now, but I should be able to drop the weight quickly now. At least now we will have a small check coming in every week, so now my hubby just has to get a job and all should be good. This time when we start making good money, a large chunk will be put away as our savings is completely gone. But all in all things are finally looking slightly better.

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